
The lemma files for en_ugl are defined in Markdown format. This format/language is a convenient means to specify the desired format of the visual output for the project. When you select a lemma file on the DCS web you will see this visual form, though the final, published, visual form may be slightly different. When editing a file, you will be working in the Markdown language environment. This document will endeavor to specify the required Markdown format and content of each lemma file to achieve the project-desired output, consistently across all lemmas for all editors. Markdown is blank line sensitive which means that data within a marker can be entered on multiple consecutive lines and will be merged together from a syntax checking and the visual output perspective. A blank line must be entered between data lines to have that data treated as separate from a syntax checking and the visual output perspective. Markdown also provides a way to add emphasis to data that is entered. Text that is enclosed within a single “*” or a single “_” will be italicized. Text that is enclosed within double “*” or double “_” will be displayed bold. These can be combined to achieve both forms of emphasis. The following example will be displayed as below.

This **bold data**
is entered *with italics* on
multiple consecutive lines

This bold data is entered with italics on multiple consecutive lines

Syntax Checker

A Syntax Checker has been developed to read a lemma markdown file and determine whether it meets the requirements of this document. A change log for that Syntax Checker script, in the form of a Google Doc, can be found at this link


The Markdown format is achieved with the use of markers (marker lines). Any line which starts with a pound sign, “#” or an asterisk, “*”, is considered a marker. Apart from the first line, there must be at least one blank line before and after each marker. These markers should not be altered or reordered so that consistency across the project can be maintained. Only 4 of these markers allow/require data to be entered as part of the actual marker line. These are:

  1. * Strongs: <Strongs-plus identifier>, see Strongs , below.
  2. * Instances in the New Testament: <instance count>, see Instances Count , below.
  3. * All Scriptures cited: “Yes” or “No”, see All Scriptures cited , below.
  4. ### Sense <sense number>:, see Sense , below.


As was discussed in the Content section, there is a link labeled refs for each lemma in its Greek letter Instance Table of Contents web page which provides a list, in our project’s format, of each of the references to that lemma.


UGL Markers

The UGL markers will be identified below. They should remain as entered and they should not be reordered. An example follows this discussion.

1. # <Greek lemma>

The first line of each lemma file is a marker identifying its lemma. The initial format which came from the originating Abbott Smith lexicon uses a dash before the second term. For consistency and alignment with newer lexica, change these to replace the <space>– with ,<space>. This line should be terminated with a period. e.g.

# ἄμφοδον -ου, το

should be changed to:

# ἄμφοδον, ου, το.

2. Comment Markers

Markdown does support specification of comments. Lines 3 and 4 of each lemma file have two comment lines. They start with “<!—“ and end with “–>”. This format specifies non-visible comments, that is comments that are in the lemma file but are not shown in the visual form. These two comment lines must remain in the file as entered:

<!-- Status: S2=NeedsEdits -->

<!-- Lexica used for edits:   -->
Editing for the first of these is only allowed for the value given to S2 (Stage 2 of project) and for the specification of the lexica that were used for editing the file, in the second comment. The valid values for S2 are:
  • NeedsEdit {initial value when you start editing}
  • NeedsReview {value you must enter before performing the git commit for your edits}
  • NeedsFinalCheck {Reviewer enters this when 1st Review is complete}
  • ReadyforPublication {Final Reviewer enters this when Final Check/2nd Review is complete}

The list of lexica should be entered as abbreviations per the list shown in the Lexica section.

3. ## Word data

This is a content/format marker with only other markers associated with it, so no data should be entered for it. .. Requirement 3.1 Marker required with one or more preceding and folowing blank lines, no data, and no terminator

4. * Strongs: Gddddd.

Identifies the Strong’s-Plus ID, with the 5-digit ddddd notation, for the lemma and was generated by the lemma file creation tool and should remain unchanged with the exception of adding a terminating period.

5. * Alternate spellings

This is the first marker where editing is allowed to add data to supply any variant or alternative spellings identified in the referenced lexica. This data should be entered as simple Greek text with no surrounding bracketing or parenthesis as discussed in Greek Lemma Link for referencing other Greek lemmas from this file, since that reference would point back to the current lemma file. Each instance that is specified should be separated with a comma. No additional data is required but any needed textual narrative for an instance should be separated from the Greek by a semicolon. If data is present it should data be terminated with a period.

6. * Principle Parts:

This marker should be left empty for this Stage of the project.

7. * Part of speech:

This marker’s data should contain all of the Part of speech (POS) instances that are found in the UGNT. This data will be provided to each editor as a text file for each Greek letter. Within each file is a sorted list of the Strong’s-Plus IDs with their associated POS data provided in the required link format to the correlative UGG section. The appropriate lines in that file can then be copied and then pasted into the POS marker section. This can be one or more lines which should have intermediate lines ending in a comma and the final line ending in a period.

Requirement 7.1 Marker required with one or more preceding and folowing blank lines. Requirement 7.2 Multiple instances must be separated by a comma Requirement 7.3 The final entry should be termianted in a period Requirement 7.4 Each instance must be formated as: [<UGG Chapter title>](<Web Link to UGG chapter>)

8. * Instances in the New Testament: <count>

This count value should be left as-is since that instance count was based upon the data from the UGNT. The text for this marker may erroneously be Instances in Scripture or Instances in the NT and should be updated to be Instances in the New Testament. This should be terminated with a period.

9. * All Scriptures cited: Yes/No

This marker should be followed with the word Yes or No, indicating whether every instance count reference appears in one of more of the data sections for the 21. #### Citations:, below. This line should be terminated with a period.

10. ## Etymology:

This marker’s data should contain any Greek Lemma Link that is explaining compound words or is explaining some names and places. Any usage in Abbott-Smith of the symbol “<” to designate words that are “derived from or related to” the lemma or any similar identification in other lexica should be moved to 13. * Related words:, below. Where present this data should be terminated with a period.

11. * LXX/Hebrew glosses:

This marker’s data should contain any associated data that was propagated from the A-S lexicon. That propagation may have placed this data under other markers in this file, and if so, it should be moved back to this marker’s data. There may be no LXX/Hebrew gloss data for a given lemma file. Remove or expand any abbreviations that may remain and check the format for all scripture references against Scripture Links. The LXX book references from Abbott-Smith were generally in the format <LXX book>.<chapter>.<verse>. These should be reformatted to reflect the documented reference format for the USFM Names portion of these UGL documents. An LXX/Hebrew gloss contains, at a minimum, a Scripture link and/or a Hebrew lemma link. A space should be used to separate these two if both are present for a single LXX/Hebrew gloss instance. Each instance must be separated from other instances by a comma, even if one instance has only a Hebrew lemma link, one instance has only a Scripture link, or one instance has both links. Each of these comma-separated instances may have leading textual narrative/discussion which must be preceded by a semicolon (;). No special punctutation is needed to transition from this narrative text to one or both of the links for this instance. Where present this data should be terminated with a period. Examples of the different forms of this data are:

{Scripture links only}
  [Exod 22:11](exo 22:11), [10](exo 22:10), [Amos 3:3](amo 3:3), [4](amo 3:4).

   {Scripture and Hebrew links with leading narrative}
         ;in LXX [Num 24:2](num 24:2) [ראה](//en-uhal/H7200), [Job 10:4](job 10:4), [39:26](job 39:26).

   {Scripture and Hebrew links with leading narrative and trailing gloss}
         ;in LXX [Num 24:2](num 24:2) [ראה](//en-uhal/H7200) : to see, [Job 10:4](job 10:4), [39:26](job 39:26).

    {Hebrew link only with leading narrative and trailing gloss}
         ;in LXX chiefly for [רעע](//en-uhal/H7489) : evildoer.

    {2 instances of Hebrew links only with leading narrative and trailing gloss}
    ;in LXX chiefly for [רעע](//en-uhal/H7489) : evildoer, ;in LXX also for [רֹעַ](//en-uhal/H7455) : evil.

12. * Time Period/Ancient Authors:

This marker should have no data supplied for this stage of the project.

14. * Antonyms for all senses:

This marker’s data should contain any other Greek lemmas that are identified by the other lexica as antonyms. These should be formatted per Greek Lemma Link, above. Project time and schedule does not give us the freedom to perform our own research on this topic so we must rely solely upon the other lexica. Any Greek lemma reference identified by other lexica that is not a UGL-defined lemma should be omitted from this lexicon. To determine if a lemma is a UGL-defined lemma you will need to open up the associated Greek letter’s Word Sort TOC file, as discussed in . The lemma must appear in that TOC file to be a UGL-defined lemma and if so, you can see the Strongs-Plus ID for it. Multiple links should be separated by a comma. A period should terminate this data when present.

15. * Synonyms for all senses:

This marker’s data should contain any other Greek lemmas that are identified by the other lexica as synonyms. These should be formatted per Greek Lemma Link, above. Project time and schedule does not give us the freedom to perform our own research on this topic so we must rely solely upon the other lexica. Any Greek lemma reference identified by other lexica that is not a UGL-defined lemma should be omitted from this lexicon. To determine if a lemma is a UGL-defined lemma you will need to open up the associated Greek letter’s Word Sort TOC file, as discussed in To more easily access these individual lemma files . The lemma must appear in that TOC file to be a UGL-defined lemma and if so, you can see the Strongs-Plus ID for it. Multiple links should be separated by a comma. A period should terminate this data when present.

16. ## Senses:

The only permitted data for this marker is one or more Sense markers with their associated sub-markers. Editors should start with the structure and content embedded in the files from the Abbott-Smith lexicon. After review and analysis of the sense data from the other lexica this Abbott-Smith starting point can be expanded with additional sense and sub-sense markers, can be down-sized with the removal of sense and sub-sense markers, and/or merely modified to update the Definitions and/or Glosses with the same number of sense and sub-sense markers.

17. ### Sense <sense number>:

The only permitted data for this marker is the in-line Sense number with a colon as the line terminator and the four sense sub-markers with their associated data. The sense number starts at 1.0 and increments at the decimal digit, the number preceding the decimal point, for each significant sense and increments at the fractional level to differentiate sub-senses of each significant sense. The sense number, and thus the senses, can vary from a single sense with the number 1.0, to complex sub-senses which could be in the form, 3.8.5, which would be the third significant sense, it’s eighth sub-sense, and that sub-sense’s fifth sub-sub-sense. It is recommended that you limit your sense levels to only two decimal digits as, 2.4, but three levels is the maximum, if required for completeness and accuracy. These sense numbers must occur in numerical order in the file, with no missing intermediate numbers; ### Sense 2.4 followed by ### Sense 2.6 would be flagged as a syntax error, since ###Sense 2.5 is missing. Every ### Sense marker is followed only by sub-markers, with no data specified for this marker. Each of the following sub-markers must be present and in the prescribed order given below.


Many lexica use a sense numbering system that includes letters and possibly Greek letters, e.g. 1bα. This lexicon will use only numbers for each of the level of senses appropriate for the lemma, with a decimal point separating the sense from the sub-sense and then the sub-sub-sense numbers.

18. #### Definition:

This marker’s data should contain the top-level definition for this Sense. It can be expressed as a full sentence or as a clause with multiple instances separated by a comma. Narrative text and/or Sense Link can be provided and must follow its associated definition data instance with a semicolon. No termination mark should be entered. Some examples of this clausal form are:

Aromatic substance burned as incense, An altar for burning incense

To burn incense as an offering to a deity; this does not always refer to an incense offering to Yahweh, to burn incense on an altar

19. #### Glosses:

This marker’s data should contain one or more one-word meanings for this sense. Multiple instances should be separated by a comma. Any narrative text and/or Sense Link should follow its associated gloss data instance with a semicolon. No termination mark should be entered.

20. #### Explanation:

This marker’s data should be left empty for this Stage of the project, unless there is discussion needed to explain the context of the Definition and/or Glosses. Multiple instances should be separated by a comma. No termination mark should be entered.

21. #### Citations:

This marker’s data should contain each Scripture reference associated with this sense of the lemma. For a sense with many references, you may choose a subset of those that you believe would be most beneficial for the users of this lexicon. Omitting some for the sake of brevity would be the reason to specify No for the 9. * All Scriptures cited: Yes/No . Each citation instance must be made up of only one Scripture Links, defined above. Optionally a citation instance can be preceded by a narrative discussion or by either or both of the actual UGNT Greek text and an English translation, the latter should be suffixed with the translation source identified as three to four capital letters enclosed in parenthesis: e.g. (ULT),(NASB),(ESV),or (NIV). If narrative discussion is entered this should be preceded with a tilde, “~” and terminsted by a colon, “:”. This narrative discussion may include a single Greek Lemma Link or a single Hebrew Lemma Links but these must follow their documented syntax. An exception to this is that this Greek lemma link does not require a gloss or definition, but if it is present, it should be preceded by a comma, and not a colon as in the standard form. If a gloss or definition for a Hebrew lemma link is provided, it should be preceded by a comma, and not a colon as in its standard form. If any narrative discussion is entered it should precede its assocaited UGNT text or English translation. A semicolon must precede the UGNT text as well as the English translation, if entered. It should be noted that if the UGNT text is entered it would be most beneficial for the downstream translators to have this Greek entered in Greek lemma link format to support hotlinks to the lemmas for each of those Greek words. For this case of entering Greek lemma links, no gloss/definition data should follow each link. Also, where the current Greek lemma occurs within that UGNT text, that Greek word should not be in Greek lemma link format since that hotlink would send the translator back to the current lemma file. It should be entered as simple Greek text. If any or all of these three preceding data pieces are entered they should be separated from their Scripture link with a colon. It should be noted that any narrative discussion is terminated by either a semicolon if there is inserted UGNT and/or English translation or by a colon if neither of these is inserted. To not overburden the translators and not have a congested file, the UGNT text and English translation should be entered for only the first citation link instance. Multiple citation instances must be separated by a comma. No termination mark should be entered for this data except for the citation data of the last Sense level in the lemma file. For this last citation data in the file, it should be terminated with a period. As discussed in 8. * Instances in the New Testament:, above, annotations to this citation data should be made to identify which references have more than 1 instance of this lemma. This identification must be enclosed within curly brackets “{}”. It may be just standard textual narrative or it may include one or more Sense links. As with other marker data, this data can span multiple, consecutive, lines in the file with no blank lines between them. Examples of the format for this annotation are:

   {Under Sense 1.0 of lemma καινός, G25370}
[Luke 5:36](luk 5:36){3 instances, all for this Sense}

  {Under Sense 2.0 of lemma καινός, G25370}
[Rev 3:12](rev 3:12){2 instances, both for this Sense}

   {Under Sense 4.0 of lemma καλέω, G25640 where the passage is not cited in any other Sense Citation data}
[Rom 8:30](rom 8:30){2 instances, one(1) for this Sense, one(1) not cited}

   {Under Sense 1.0 of lemma κἄν, G25790}
[Luke 12:38](luk 12:38){2 instances, one(1) for this Sense and one(1) for [Sense 2.0](#sense-20)}
   {Under Sense 2.0 of lemma κἄν, G25790}
[Luke 12:38](luk 12:38){2 instances, one(1) for this Sense and one(1) for [Sense 1.0](#sense-10)}

    Example with preceding narrative discussion only, without a Greek or Hebrew lemma link:
~Gabbatha, the Greek transliteration of an uncertain Aramaic word: [John 19:13](jhn 19:13)

    Example with preceding narrative discussion only, which includes a Greek lemma link without a gloss:
~Gabbatha, the Greek transliteration of an uncertain Aramaic word used as the equivalent of [λιθόστρωτον](../G30380/ [John 19:13](jhn 19:13)

    Example with preceding narrative discussion only, which includes a Greek lemma link with a gloss:
~Gabbatha, the Greek transliteration of an uncertain Aramaic word used as the equivalent of [λιθόστρωτον](../G30380/, stone pavement: [John 19:13](jhn 19:13)

    Example with preceding UGNT and English Translation, only:
;[καὶ](../G25320/ [γὰρ](../G10630/ [](../G35880/ [θεὸς](../G23160/ [ἡμῶν](../G14730/ [πῦρ](../G44420/ καταναλίσκον,
;"For our God is a consuming fire." (ULB)
:[Heb 12:29](heb 12:29)

    Example with preceding narrative discussion, UGNT, and English Translation:
~This addresses a significant aspect of God:
;[καὶ](../G25320/ [γὰρ](../G10630/ [](../G35880/ [θεὸς](../G23160/ [ἡμῶν](../G14730/ [πῦρ](../G44420/ καταναλίσκον,
;"For our God is a consuming fire." (ULB)
:[Heb 12:29](heb 12:29)

Example Markdown file:

# κακῶς.

<!-- Status: S2=NeedsReview -->
<!-- Lexica used for edits: BDAG, FFM, LN, A-S -->

## Word data

* Strongs: G25600.

* Alternate spellings:

* Principle Parts:

* Part of speech:


* Instances in the New Testament: 16.

* All Scriptures cited: Yes.

## Etymology:

* LXX/Hebrew glosses:

* Time Period/Ancient Authors:

* Related words:

[κακός](../G25560/ bad, evil.

* Antonyms for all senses:

* Synonyms for all senses:

## Senses

### Sense 1.0:

#### Definition:

Suffer physical harm

#### Glosses:

#### Explanation:

#### Citations:

### Sense 1.1:

#### Definition:

Suffer physical harm without identifying magnitude

#### Glosses:

ill, sick

#### Explanation:

#### Citations:

[καὶ](../G25320/ [ἀπῆλθεν](../G05650/ [ἡ](../G35880/ [ἀκοὴ](../G01890/ [αὐτοῦ](../G08460/ [εἰς](../G15190/ [ὅλην](../G36500/ [τὴν](../G35880/ [Συρίαν](../G49470/ [καὶ](../G25320/ [προσήνεγκαν](../G43740/ [αὐτῷ](../G08460/ [πάντας](../G39560/ [τοὺς](../G35880/ κακῶς [ἔχοντας](../G21920/ [ποικίλαις](../G41640/ [νόσοις](../G35540/ [καὶ](../G25320/ [βασάνοις](../G09310/ [συνεχομένους](../G49120/ [καὶ](../G25320/ [δαιμονιζομένους](../G11390/ [καὶ](../G25320/ [σεληνιαζομένους](../G45830/ [καὶ](../G25320/ [παραλυτικούς](../G38850/ [καὶ](../G25320/ [ἐθεράπευσεν](../G23230/ [αὐτούς](../G08460/
"The news about him went out into all of Syria, and the people brought to him all those who were sick, ill with various diseases and pains, those possessed by demons, and the epileptic and paralytic. Jesus healed them." (ULB)
[Matt 4:24](mat 4:24),  [Matt 8:16](mat 8:16),  [Matt 9:12](mat 9:12),  [Matt 14:35](mat 14:35),  [Mark 1:32](mrk 1:32),  [Mark 1:34](mrk 1:34),  [Mark 2:17](mrk 2:17),  [Mark 6:55](mrk 6:55),  [Luke 5:31](luk 5:11),  [Luke 7:2](luk 7:2)

### Sense 1.2:

#### Definition:

Suffer physical harm and identifying its magnitude

#### Glosses:

suffer severely

#### Explanation:

#### Citations:

[καὶ](../G25320/ [ἰδοὺ](../G37080/ [γυνὴ](../G11350/ [Χαναναία](../G54780/ [ἀπὸ](../G05750/ [τῶν](../G35880/ [ὁρίων](../G37250/ [ἐκείνων](../G15650/ [ἐξελθοῦσα](../G18310/ [ἔκραζεν](../G28960/ [λέγουσα](../G30040/ [Ἐλέησόν](../G16530/ [με](../G14730/ [κύριε](../G29620/ [υἱὸς](../G52070/ [Δαυείδ](../G11380/ [ἡ](../G35880/ [θυγάτηρ](../G23640/ [μου](../G14730/ κακῶς [δαιμονίζεται](../G11390/
'Behold, a Canaanite woman came out from that region. She shouted out and said, "Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed."' (ULB)
[Matt 15:22](mat 15:22),  [Matt 17:15](mat 17:15),  [Matt 21:41](mat 21:41)

### Sense 2.0:

#### Definition:

To be morally evil

#### Glosses:

wickedly, speak wrongly

#### Explanation:

#### Citations:

[ἀπεκρίθη](../G06110/ [αὐτῷ](../G08460/ [Ἰησοῦς](../G24240/ [Εἰ](../G14870/ κακῶς [ἐλάλησα](../G29800/ [μαρτύρησον](../G31400/ [περὶ](../G40120/ [τοῦ](../G35880/ [κακοῦ](../G25560/ [εἰ](../G14870/ [δὲ](../G11610/ [καλῶς](../G25730/ [τί](../G51010/ [με](../G14730/ [δέρεις](../G11940/
"Jesus answered him, "If I spoke wrongly, testify about the wrong, but if rightly, why do you hit me?"" (ULB)
[John 18:23](jhn 18:23),  [Acts 23:5](act 23:5),  [Jas 4:3](jas 4:3).

Valid part of speech, POS, entries:

The following is a list of the valid values for Textual Representation and their corresponding UGG Filename. See the UGG for clarification.

Textual representation UGG filename
Noun noun
Adjective used substantively as a Noun noun_substantive_adj
Adjective used predicatively as a Noun noun_predicate_adj
Proper noun_indeclinable proper_noun_indeclinable;
Adjective adjective
Adjective ascriptive adjective_ascriptive
Adjective restrictive adjective_restrictive
Determiner determiner
Determiner article determiner_article
Determiner demonstrative determiner_demonstrative
Determiner differential determiner_differential
Determiner possessive determiner_possessive
Determiner quantifier determiner_quantifier
Determiner number determiner_number
Determiner ordinal determiner_ordinal
Determiner relative determiner_relative
Determiner interrogative determiner_interrogative
Pronoun pronoun
Pronoun demonstrative pronoun_demonstrative
Pronoun personal pronoun_personal
Pronoun reflexive pronoun_reflexive
Pronoun reciprocal pronoun_reciprocal
Pronoun indefinite pronoun_indefinite
Pronoun relative pronoun_relative
Pronoun interrogative pronoun_interrogative
Verb verb
Verb transitive verb_transitive
Verb intransitive verb_intransitive
Verb linking verb_linking
Verb modal verb_modal
Verb periphrastic verb_periphrastic
Interjection interjection
Interjection exclamation interjection_exclamation
Interjection directive interjection_directive
Interjection response interjection_response